Leading the Cyber Security Foundry

Giovanni Russello Associate Professor – Computer Science
My focus is Android security, confidentiality and privacy solutions for the cloud, and access control models in general. I lead the SECRET Lab, working on security projects including the Ministry of Business Innovation and Employment’s (MBIE) STRATUS project. In the past, I was founding CEO of a start-up developing secure solutions for Android.
Contact Giovanni

Steven Galbraith Professor – Mathematics
I have a doctorate in number theory from the University of Oxford and worked in the acclaimed Information Security Group at Royal Holloway University of London for over 10 years. I’m a leading researcher in the mathematics of public key cryptography, especially elliptic curve cryptography and lattice-based cryptography. I’ve served on the board of the International Association of Cryptologic Research, published a major textbook in the mathematics of cryptography, and given many invited lectures at cryptography conferences.
Contact Steven

Alex Sims Associate Professor – Commercial Law, Business School
I focus on blockchain technology and am a founding member of the Blockchain Association of New Zealand. I am also the New Zealand representative on the OECD Blockchain Expert Policy Advisory Board (BEPAB) and a member of the NZ International Review Group for ISO/TC307 Blockchain and distributed ledger technologies. I currently hold a Law Foundation grant on Regulating digital currencies that use Blockchain Technology.

John Hosking Professor and Dean of Science, BSc PhD MemIEEE FRSNZ
My research career has been in software engineering, with over 200 publications and a long history of university-industry research engagement. I’ve been awarded both an FRSNZ, in recognition of my research and a National Tertiary Teaching Excellence award, reflecting my passion for teaching. I became Dean of Science in June 2014. Prior to that, I was Dean of Engineering and Computer Science at the Australian National University. Before that I was Professor of Applied Computer Science in the Department of Computer Science at the University of Auckland, including a six-year term as Head of Department 1999-2005.
The CSF team

James Harper – University of Auckland, Chief Information Security Officer, ITS